

Improving access to soil data and knowledge

Recent assessments indicate that 60-70% of European soils can be considered as degraded, strengthening soil and soil health issues. The European mission on soil health and food, known as ‘a Soil Deal for Europe’, aims to improve the health of 75% of the European Union's soils by 2030. Achieving this objective requires access to reliable and harmonised data and knowledge, collected at local, national and European level, to enable informed decision-making at all levels.

The aim of the European SoilWise project is to provide an integrated and usable access point to Europe's dispersed and heterogeneous soil data and knowledge, making it FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable). Co-creation and co-validation by multiple stakeholder groups are at the center of the project's activities. The SoilWise platform will be developed using the AGILE method, with three development cycles.

It will work with existing data repositories and platforms to improve their discovery, accessibility and interconnection, while respecting data ownership, access policies and privacy. Artificial Intelligence techniques will be used to link dispersed data and knowledge, automate processes, deduce new knowledge and increase FAIRness.

Partners :

Funding: European Union, Horizon Europe, Mission Soil

Start date: 1er September 2023

End date: 31 August 2027

See also

Website of the project: