Characterising the environment of plant production trials conducted by INRAE's experimental units

The plant production trials carried out by the 13 experimental units of the AgroEcoSystem and Plant Biology and Improvement (BAP) departments require knowledge of the limiting factors linked to the environment in order to better analyse the experimental results.


The objectives of the CAREX network (Environmental Characterisation of Trials Conducted in Experimental Units) are to develop and share methods for providing indicators of limiting factors expressed in experimental facilities. This involves :

  • Dynamically reference the level of available environmental resources for identifying and quantifying the biotic and abiotic stresses that have occurred during the crop cycle and potentially impacted the performance of the phenotypes or systems tested.
  • To develop and share, within the experimental units, an operational agronomic diagnosis method to be used by the trial managers in the experimental units.

The network therefore has a dual role of coordinating and conducting studies.

It is led by Marie-Noël MISTOU (UMR Agronomie) and Maud SEGER (UR Info&Sols). It is funded by the AgroEcoSystem and Plant Biology and Improvement departments which are also responsible for steering the strategic orientations.

See also

Web site of the network:

Link to the open data of the network: