Project Data4C+

Project Data4C+

How to make soil data interoperable?

The objective of the "4 per mille" initiative is to increase the organic carbon stocks in soils. To fulfil this objective, the interoperability of data bases gathering soil analyses is needed. This will enable to better and easier explore and use these data bases.

The Data4C+ project was launch at the end of 2019 in this context. It is coordinated by CIRAD with the participation of INRAE and IRD. Its objective is to define a framework on how to make interoperable data on soil organic carbon and its covariables gathered in the databases of the three research institutes. Solutions to remove IT and legal locks will be proposed and the proposed methodolgy will be testes on an overseas department where soil organic carbon data will be available in the databases of the three institutes.

Results of the project will be share and disseminate internationally and could then be used for other soil properties and for many different stakeholders.

Funding: ANR

Beginning year: 2019

Duration: 2 years

See also

Website of the project

Website of the project on the ANR website.

Website of the 4 per 1000 initiative.

Website of CIRAD on soil organic carbon.