RMT Soil and Territories

The Sols et Territoires joint technology network

Promoting soil databases and developing their use

Joint Technology Networks

The RMTs were set up in 2006 by the Ministry of Agriculture with the aim of creating a new dynamic for innovation in agriculture, food and forestry. The aim is to encourage thematic collaboration between those involved in research, training and agricultural development, by providing financial support for networking.sont des dispositifs mis en place en 2006 par le ministère en charge de l’agriculture dans l’objectif de créer une dynamique nouvelle d’innovation dans les domaines de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation et de la forêt. Il s’agit de favoriser, en soutenant financièrement leur mise en réseau, des collaborations thématiques entre acteurs de la recherche, de la formation et du développement agricole.

Soil and Territories RMT

In 2001, a "Project Group" was set up, bringing together the regional partners in the IGCS had been set up and supported, albeit modestly, as part of the GIS Sol

to promote joint use of the databases, produced in a harmonised national format. The Info&Sols Unit has made a major contribution to structuring the 'Sols et Territoires' RMT around this 'nucleus', which won the CASDAR call for projects to set up RMTs in 2010, then received a positive evaluation and was renewed for 5 years in 2014.

The Sols et Territoires RMT has now been approved for the period 2020-2024. The RMT has been expanded to include many new partners (representatives of agricultural education, forestry, winegrowing, regional planning and geographic data infrastructures). The 2020-2024 programme of the RMT Sols et Territoires is organised around 4 strategic objectives:

  1. Guarantee rapid national access to regionally available soil data for regional players;
  2. Encourage the production of data at fine resolution levels adapted to users' needs;
  3. Produce and transfer references and methods to facilitate and make reliable the use of soil data in tools;
  4. Ensuring and/or strengthening the permanence of local and regional pedological expertise.